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Board of Health Minutes 08-10-05

Present:  Richard Willecke, Lezli Rowell, Ken Granlund, Anne White, Alex Hay,           Health Agent Hillary Greenberg, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Chair Willecke called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.  The meeting was tape-recorded.

Meeting Minutes
Lezli Rowell moved to approve the meeting minutes of June 22, 2005 as presented; seconded by Willecke; passed 3-0.

Variance Request

Raymond & Ethel Crowell, 39 Railroad Ave., Map 20, Parcel 143.  Jason Ellis represented the applicants.  Property has been served by two cesspools and a private well.  He proposes to relocate the locus well to the south in order to provide a 90 foot separation from the leach trench on Parcel 75 and to allow adequate space for a new S.A.S.  White moved to approve J. C. Ellis Design plan dated July 20, 2005 and grant the variance requested in the August 5, 2005 letter from J. C. Ellis Design Company, Inc. to relocate the locus well to serve a three bedroom dwelling subject to the following conditions:

1.      Design flow to be limited to 340.4 gpd to serve 3 bedrooms
2.      No increase in habitable area without Board of Health review.
3.      The well water shall be tested and found potable, with results copied to the Health Department, prior to issuance of the Disposal Works Permit.  
4.      Any restriction in design flow and all conditions shall be recorded against the deed for the property at the Registry in Barnstable, and proof of deed recording shall be submitted to the Health Department prior to the issuance of the Disposal Works Permit.

Other Business

Denise Puffer of 25 Avery Road requested a guidance discussion with the Board.  Due to a building permit for an addition on her house in 2000, and a new Title 5 septic upgrade was installed.  She is looking for the Health Agent to sign off on a Certificate of Occupancy to close the building permit.  Agent Greenberg stated she is reluctant to sign off on the standard of water potability until a passing water test is performed.  On 12/02/99, the nitrate reading was 20.8 mg/l; on 07/29/05; the reading was 10.0 mg/l.  Puffer stated she does not drink the water, and did not feel she needed to be required to do further testing because the regulations state a reading of 10.0 mg/l nitrates is the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL).  Rowell stated the MCL is set to match the Federal EPA standards and that the Massachusetts Drinking Water Regulations has amplified that standard by setting the contamination level at 5 mg/l in the case of real estate transfers.  She felt that while the well has shown improved water quality since the 1999 data, the nitrate level is still at the threshold of the defined contamination level.  The board conferred that a repeated test result of 10.0 mg/l or higher would require Ms. Puffer to investigate a replacement well, or a drilling to a deeper production horizon.  Rowell moved to have Puffer retest her well water and submit results to the Board of Health, meeting potable standards before a Health Department signature on the ‘Certificate of Occupancy’ will be issued; seconded by Granlund; passed 3-0.   Additional discussion took place regarding interpreting the regulations, recommendations from the Board, and Ms. Puffer’s recollection of a failed septic system in the neighborhood that may have resulted in the high 1999 nitrate results.

New Business / Announcements

Agent Greenberg wrote up recommendations for the Town Hall Septic System.  Rowell stated she would like to recommend an amendment to number #3 (Town Hall) to have the septic pumped annually prior to the Oyster Festival instead of every three (3) years.  She also recommended #7 be modified for I/A’s as “in perpetuity” and not a three (3) year phase-out.  Rowell moved to approve the recommendations for the maintenance, inspections and conditions on the Town of Wellfleet facility septic system, and the Boards endorsement that the inspections are performed; seconded by Granlund;

passed 3-0.  

Agent Greenberg provided a draft analysis of the Marina Fuel Spill protocol which was read for the Board.   The report will be distributed to the Town Administer, Board of Selectmen, Harbormaster, Shellfish Warden, Natural Resource Advisory Board and Conservation Commission.  

Licenses / Signature requests

Tax Collection for Maurices Campground Inc., Massasoit Trailer Park, Inc., and Harborside Village Cooperation Corp.


·       A variety of articles and publications were made available to Board.  
        Also mentioned were copies of memo’s from Agent Greenberg to ZBA, Mobil         Gas Station, etc.
·       Agent Greenberg will do research on residents who have Animal Permits, current and those that need renewal.  Inspections will be performed by the Animal Control Officer.  Information regarding new conditions will be conveyed to them.
·       Agent Greenberg reported on retailers who passed successful tobacco sales to minors operations.  
·       Agent Greenberg requested information from Deck 2 for an update septic upgrade.
·       A letter from Willecke and Rowell to Agent Greenberg was read into the record which commended Ms. Greenberg for her fine work, cc’s to Town Administrator and Board of Selectmen.

Rowell moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm; seconded by Granlund; passed 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary